A new look and more!

If you checked out Frize Feed yesterday, you may have noticed the website has gone through a design overhaul. After making a few alterations to the template, I've got the site to the stage I am satisfied with. There are two reasons behind the change:
  • The original layout had a modified default Blogspot template, so I utilised a third party template to break away from the newbie blogger design.
  • The colour scheme I had before looked a bit too colourful, giving it a slightly childish image. A minimalist design gives the blog a more professional look and makes reading content easier.
The face of the blog has changed and perhaps the content within it will become more diverse as popularity grows. More posts are lined up to talk about where Frize Feed will head to in the future, including a post on Thursday, one month after the blog was set up!

If you like some of the existing content on the blog, be sure to hit the recommend button, leave a comment or even share it on social media, so I know what most readers like and I can produce more posts which I know will be enjoyable.

As ever, thanks for reading!
